Abrasive Blast Supply
Abrasive Blast Supply is a distributor of all things sandblasting.

Company Details
Address: 15480 17th Ave NE
City: Little Falls
State: Minnesota
Zipcode: 56345
Website: https://abrasiveblastsupply.com/
Phone: +1 (877) 909-7848
Contact: Get a Quote
Abrasive Blast Supply
Abrasive Blast Supply is a privately owned business located in Little Falls, Minnesota. ABS has been in existence for over 10 years and our experienced sales staff has 3 times that in the abrasive blasting industry. Here at Abrasive Blast Supply all we do is blast which allows us to focus on the specifics behind your job and the best blasting equipment you can use to get the most ideal finish for your log home. Being a distributor of all things sandblasting, we deal with customers and contractors every day in the log home business. We don’t do the blasting, you do! Our fleet of rental trailers provides you with the highest quality blasting equipment along with the exact specifications you need to get your job done efficiently and effectively. Our fleet consists of different sized trailers, all with a skid mounted compressor varying in size (see pictures above and specifications below). Our approach is simple, we get to know you. We’re more than a name, we’re a partner in your project’s success. With so much on the line, it’s important you know and trust your supplier. Our dedicated sales staff gets to know you, your operation and your needs – face to face.
Trailer Specifications:
16 FT Bumper Hitch Trailer with a 185 CFM Compressor
20 FT Bumper Hitch Trailer with a 300 CFM Compressor
24 FT Fifth Wheel Trailer with a 375 CFM Compressor
Media Specifications:
Log Glass - 40/80 Grit Size
Corn Cob – 20/40 Grit Size