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Food Storage Chart: Guidelines for Your Root Cellar/Pantry

Follow these optimal climate condition guidelines for your farm fresh produce.

Climate Chart for Root Cellar Produce Don’t freeze your farm fresh veggies! Follow these optimal climate conditions for produce. (Find out: What is a root cellar? by: Rachel Machacek)
Environment Temp. (F) Humidity            Crop  

Cold/very moist 32-40 degrees  90–95% Carrots, beets, celery, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, rutabagas, turnips, collards, leeks, broccoli and Jerusalem artichokes cabbage head

Cold and moist 32-40 degrees  80–90% Potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, apples, grapes, oranges, pears, endive and grapefruit group of potatoes

Cool/fairly moist 40-45 degrees  85–90% Cucumbers, sweet peppers, cantaloupe, watermelon, eggplant, ripe tomatoes and cheese stem tomatoes

Cool and dry 35-40 degrees  60–70% Garlic, onions, beans, canned foods, grains nuts, smoked fish and meat vidalia onions

Fairly warm/dry 50-60 degrees  60–70% Dry hot peppers, pumpkins, winter squash, sweet potatoes and green tomatoes red hot peppers

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